– Brief explanation of AWS Config
– Importance of AWS Config in ensuring compliance and security

Section 1: AWS Config Basics
– Overview of AWS Config features
– How AWS Config works
– Benefits of using AWS Config

Section 2: Setting up AWS Config
– Step-by-step guide on setting up AWS Config
– Best practices for configuring AWS Config
– Troubleshooting common issues in setting up AWS Config

Section 3: AWS Config Rules
– Overview of AWS Config Rules
– Types of AWS Config Rules
– Creating custom AWS Config Rules
– Best practices for managing AWS Config Rules

Section 4: AWS Config and Compliance
– How AWS Config helps with compliance
– Common compliance use cases for AWS Config
– Best practices for using AWS Config for compliance

Section 5: AWS Config and Security
– How AWS Config helps with security
– Common security use cases for AWS Config
– Best practices for using AWS Config for security

– Summary of key takeaways from the article
– Final thoughts on the importance of AWS Config in ensuring compliance and security in AWS.


AWS Config is a service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that provides a detailed inventory of the resources in an AWS account, as well as a history of configuration changes to those resources over time. This service allows users to track changes to their AWS resources, assess compliance with corporate and regulatory policies, and troubleshoot operational issues.

Importance of AWS Config

AWS Config is an essential tool for ensuring compliance and governance in AWS environments. It provides an automated and continuous monitoring solution for changes to resources, which helps to identify potential security risks and ensure that all resources are properly configured. AWS Config also provides historical tracking, which enables users to troubleshoot issues and gain insights into the state of their resources over time. Overall, AWS Config is a critical tool for managing the complexity of AWS environments and improving the security and compliance of cloud infrastructure.

Setting up AWS Config involves two main steps:

  1. Creating a Configuration Recorder: This is the first step in setting up AWS Config. A Configuration Recorder is a component of AWS Config that is responsible for recording configuration changes in your AWS resources. To create a Configuration Recorder, follow these steps:

    a. Open the AWS Management Console and navigate to the AWS Config service page.

    b. Click on the “Get started” button and then click on the “Create a new configuration recorder” button.

    c. Give your recorder a name and select the AWS resources you want to record changes for.

    d. Choose the S3 bucket where you want to store your configuration data and click on “Create recorder”.

    e. Once your Configuration Recorder is created, you can start recording configuration changes for your AWS resources.

  2. Creating a Delivery Channel: The second step in setting up AWS Config is to create a Delivery Channel. A Delivery Channel is responsible for delivering configuration data to the S3 bucket that you specified earlier. To create a Delivery Channel, follow these steps:

    a. Open the AWS Management Console and navigate to the AWS Config service page.

    b. Click on the “Delivery channels” tab and then click on the “Create a delivery channel” button.

    c. Give your delivery channel a name and select the S3 bucket where you want your configuration data to be delivered.

    d. Choose the delivery frequency and the format in which you want your configuration data to be delivered.

    e. Click on “Create delivery channel” to create your delivery channel.

    f. Once your Delivery Channel is created, AWS Config will start delivering configuration data to the S3 bucket that you specified.

AWS Config Rules

AWS Config Rules are a powerful tool in AWS that help you ensure that your cloud resources are configured in accordance with your organizational policies and compliance requirements. They allow you to define rules that automatically evaluate the configuration of your AWS resources and notify you of any non-compliant configurations.

Types of AWS Config Rules

AWS Config Rules come in two main types: managed rules and custom rules. Managed rules are pre-built rules provided by AWS, while custom rules are rules that you can create and manage yourself.

Managed rules cover a wide range of compliance and security best practices, including rules for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), and many other services. You can easily enable these rules in your AWS account and start using them right away.

Custom rules, on the other hand, allow you to create your own rules to meet your specific compliance and security needs. You can create custom rules using AWS Lambda functions, which are triggered by AWS Config whenever a resource changes. This gives you complete control over your compliance and security policies, and allows you to ensure that your resources are configured exactly the way you want them.

Creating AWS Config Rules

Creating AWS Config Rules is a straightforward process that involves defining the rule criteria, choosing the AWS resources to evaluate, and setting up notifications for non-compliant resources. You can create rules using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, or programmatically using the AWS SDK.

Once you have created your rules, AWS Config will automatically evaluate your resources and provide you with detailed reports of any non-compliant resources. You can use these reports to quickly identify and address any issues, ensuring that your resources are always configured in accordance with your organizational policies and compliance requirements.

AWS Config Dashboard

The AWS Config Dashboard is a web-based console that provides a comprehensive view of your AWS resource inventory, configuration compliance, and changes to resources over time. It enables you to track and manage changes to your AWS resources, assess compliance with security policies, and troubleshoot operational issues.

Features of the AWS Config Dashboard

Some of the key features of the AWS Config Dashboard include:

  1. Resource inventory: The dashboard provides a complete view of all your AWS resources, including configuration details, metadata, and relationships between resources.
  2. Configuration compliance: The dashboard helps you assess compliance with security policies by providing real-time compliance checks against a defined set of rules.
  3. Change management: The dashboard tracks changes to your resources over time, providing a complete history of configuration changes and their impact on your environment.
  4. Notifications: The dashboard provides notifications of configuration changes, compliance violations, and resource inventory updates.
  5. Search and filtering: The dashboard enables you to search and filter your resources by attributes such as tag, region, and resource type.
  6. Customization: The dashboard allows you to create custom rules for compliance checks and set up notifications based on specific criteria.

Overall, the AWS Config Dashboard provides a powerful tool for managing and monitoring your AWS resources, ensuring compliance with security policies, and troubleshooting operational issues.

AWS Config Notifications

AWS Config Notifications is a service that enables you to receive notifications when changes are made to resources that are being monitored by AWS Config. With this service, you can set up rules that trigger notifications based on changes to specific resources or resource types.

Setting up AWS Config Notifications

To set up AWS Config Notifications, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Enable AWS Config: First, you need to enable AWS Config for the resources that you want to monitor. This will allow AWS Config to track changes made to those resources.
  2. Create a rule: Next, you need to create a rule that defines the conditions under which a notification should be sent. For example, you could create a rule that triggers a notification when a resource is modified, or when a resource is deleted.
  3. Configure the notification settings: Once you have created a rule, you need to configure the notification settings. This includes specifying the target for the notification (e.g. an SNS topic, an email address, or a Lambda function), as well as any additional settings such as the message format or delivery method.

Types of AWS Config Notifications

There are several types of AWS Config Notifications that you can configure, including:

  1. Configuration changes: These notifications are triggered when a resource’s configuration changes. For example, you might receive a notification when a security group’s inbound rules are modified.
  2. Compliance changes: These notifications are triggered when a resource’s compliance status changes. For example, you might receive a notification when an EC2 instance falls out of compliance with a security policy.
  3. Resource creation and deletion: These notifications are triggered when a resource is created or deleted. For example, you might receive a notification when a new S3 bucket is created in your AWS account.

By configuring these different types of notifications, you can stay up-to-date on changes to your AWS resources and take action as needed to maintain security and compliance.

Benefits of using AWS Config

There are several benefits of using AWS Config, including:

  1. Compliance: AWS Config helps you maintain compliance with regulatory requirements by tracking and reporting changes to your resources.
  2. Security: AWS Config helps you identify security risks by monitoring changes to security groups, network ACLs, and other security-related resources.
  3. Resource optimization: AWS Config helps you optimize your resource usage by tracking changes to resource configurations and identifying opportunities for optimization.
  4. Troubleshooting: AWS Config helps you troubleshoot issues by providing a detailed history of resource changes and configurations.
  5. Automation: AWS Config can be used to automate resource provisioning and configuration changes, reducing the risk of errors and saving time.

Best practices for using AWS Config

Here are some best practices to follow when using AWS Config:

  1. Enable AWS Config in all regions: This will ensure that you have full visibility into all of your resources and configurations.
  2. Use AWS Config rules: AWS Config rules can be used to ensure that your resources are configured correctly and are in compliance with your organization’s policies.
  3. Use AWS Config with other AWS services: AWS Config can be used in conjunction with other AWS services, such as AWS CloudFormation and AWS Lambda, to automate resource provisioning and configuration changes.
  4. Monitor AWS Config for changes: AWS Config can be used to monitor changes to your resources and configurations, so be sure to set up alerts and notifications to stay on top of changes.
  5. Review AWS Config reports regularly: AWS Config reports provide valuable insights into your resource usage and configuration changes, so make sure to review them regularly to identify opportunities for optimization and improvement.