AWS Control Tower is a service that helps organizations set up and govern a secure, multi-account AWS environment. It provides a pre-configured set of AWS best practices blueprints, called guardrails, which can be customized to meet an organization’s specific requirements. Control Tower simplifies the process of creating and managing accounts, applying policies and monitoring compliance across an organization’s AWS accounts. It also provides a dashboard for centralized visibility into their entire AWS environment. With Control Tower, organizations can accelerate their cloud adoption while ensuring security and compliance.


AWS Control Tower is a service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that makes it easier for organizations to set up and govern a secure, compliant, and multi-account AWS environment. It automates the process of setting up new accounts, configuring AWS services, and enforcing security policies across multiple accounts.

Definition of AWS Control Tower

AWS Control Tower provides a centralized dashboard for managing multiple AWS accounts and provides pre-built templates for setting up secure and compliant multi-account environments. It automates the process of setting up new accounts, configuring AWS services, and enforcing security policies across multiple accounts.

Benefits of using AWS Control Tower

There are several benefits of using AWS Control Tower, including:

  1. Automated account provisioning: AWS Control Tower automates the process of setting up new accounts, which reduces the time and effort required to set up new accounts.
  2. Centralized management: AWS Control Tower provides a centralized dashboard for managing multiple AWS accounts, which makes it easy to manage and monitor multiple accounts from a single location.
  3. Pre-built templates: AWS Control Tower provides pre-built templates for setting up secure and compliant multi-account environments, which reduces the time and effort required to configure each account.
  4. Enforced security policies: AWS Control Tower enforces security policies across multiple accounts, which helps to ensure that all accounts are secure and compliant with organizational policies.
  5. Cost optimization: AWS Control Tower provides tools and best practices for cost optimization, which helps organizations to optimize their AWS spending and reduce costs.

Key Features

  • Account Factory: This feature helps in creating and managing AWS accounts in an automated and secure way. It enables organizations to enforce consistent policies and best practices across all accounts, while also providing flexibility to customize account settings to meet specific requirements.
  • Guardrails: Guardrails are a set of pre-configured policies that help organizations ensure compliance and security in their AWS accounts. They help prevent unintended actions that can jeopardize the security or compliance of an organization’s infrastructure. Guardrails can be customized to meet specific requirements and can be automatically enforced across all accounts.
  • AWS Landing Zone: AWS Landing Zone is a solution that helps organizations set up a secure, multi-account AWS environment based on AWS best practices. It provides a framework for creating a well-architected cloud infrastructure that is secure, scalable, and easy to manage. AWS Landing Zone automates the creation of a baseline environment that includes account structure, security, and networking.
  • AWS Control Tower Console: The AWS Control Tower Console provides a centralized location for managing multiple AWS accounts. It allows organizations to create and manage accounts, enforce policies, and monitor compliance across all accounts. The console provides a single pane of glass view into an organization’s AWS infrastructure, making it easy to manage and monitor.
  • AWS Control Tower Dashboard: The AWS Control Tower Dashboard provides a high-level view of an organization’s AWS infrastructure. It provides insights into compliance, security, and cost across all accounts, making it easy to identify areas that need attention. The dashboard also provides visibility into the status of guardrails and other policies, allowing organizations to quickly identify and address any issues.

AWS Control Tower works by providing a set of pre-defined best practices and guidelines for setting up and managing a multi-account environment in AWS. Here is how AWS Control Tower works in detail:

  1. Creating a landing zone:
    The first step is to create a landing zone which serves as a single entry point for all AWS accounts. The landing zone is a dedicated environment that provides a secure, compliant, and scalable foundation for multiple AWS accounts.
  2. Defining guardrails:
    The next step is to define guardrails, which are rules and policies that are enforced across all AWS accounts. Guardrails ensure compliance with organizational policies, security standards, and regulatory requirements. AWS Control Tower provides a set of pre-defined guardrails, and organizations can also create custom guardrails.
  3. Configuring account factory:
    The account factory is a feature that automates the process of creating new AWS accounts. It enables organizations to create multiple accounts with pre-defined settings and configurations, such as VPCs, security groups, and IAM policies.
  4. Provisioning accounts:
    Once the account factory is configured, AWS Control Tower can provision new accounts automatically. Each new account is created with the pre-defined settings and configurations specified in the account factory.
  5. Managing accounts:
    AWS Control Tower provides a central management console for all AWS accounts. From the console, organizations can manage accounts, enforce policies, monitor compliance, and access logs and reports. Organizations can also use AWS Control Tower to automate tasks, such as patch management and backup and recovery.

Use Cases

Enterprises with multiple accounts

AWS Organizations is a service that enables enterprises to centrally manage multiple AWS accounts. This is particularly useful for large organizations that have multiple departments, teams or business units that operate in different regions or have different security requirements. With AWS Organizations, administrators can create and manage accounts, apply policies and controls, and consolidate billing across all accounts. This helps enterprises to improve governance, reduce costs and simplify account management.

Organizations with strict security and compliance requirements

AWS offers a wide range of security and compliance services that help organizations to meet their regulatory requirements and safeguard their data. These services include AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), AWS Key Management Service (KMS), AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), AWS Security Hub, AWS Config, and more. These services enable organizations to manage access, encrypt data, monitor security events, and automate compliance checks. AWS also offers compliance certifications for various standards and regulations such as ISO 27001, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and more.

Complex AWS environments with multiple teams and applications

As organizations grow and adopt more AWS services, their environments can become increasingly complex. This can make it difficult to manage and optimize resources, monitor performance and troubleshoot issues. AWS offers a range of tools and services to help organizations manage their complex environments more effectively. These include AWS CloudFormation for infrastructure as code, AWS Systems Manager for centralized management and automation, AWS CloudWatch for monitoring and alerting, AWS X-Ray for tracing and debugging, and more. These services enable organizations to improve visibility, reduce complexity and increase efficiency.


In conclusion, AWS Control Tower is a valuable tool for organizations looking to manage their AWS accounts more efficiently and securely. Its benefits include simplified account provisioning, centralized management, and automated compliance checks. Additionally, its features, such as guardrails and service catalogs, provide organizations with greater control and visibility over their AWS environment.

Looking ahead, AWS Control Tower is expected to continue evolving to meet the changing needs of its users. This includes the addition of new features and updates to existing ones, as well as improvements to its overall functionality and user experience. As AWS continues to expand its services, Control Tower will remain an essential tool for organizations seeking to optimize their AWS environment.